Time Management For Student and Teacher Success
Time Management For Student and Teacher Success
This course runs from the first to the last day of the month you register. Enrollment remains open until the 21st of each month.
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Course Description
Each day provides us with 24 hours or 1,440 minutes, and infinite possibilities. The challenge lies in our ability to utilize this time to its fullest potential. This course is designed to provide educators with the necessary skills and strategies to effectively manage their time in the classroom and beyond. Through a combination of lectures, readings, discussions, and practical exercises, participants will learn how to prioritize tasks, set goals, delegate responsibilities, and maintain a healthy work-life balance.
Educators will use this knowledge to support their students’ time management and executive functioning skills. This course will help educators teach their students how to plan ahead, meet goals, minimize distractions, and manage their time effectively. The implementation of these critical life skills in the classroom will enhance student’s academic performance, boost their confidence, and prepare them for life beyond the classroom.
Upon completion of this course, the participant will be able to:
- Describe the principles of time management and recognize its importance in the teaching profession and beyond.
- Analyze personal time management strategies and identify areas for improvement.
- Apply time management theories and principles to prioritize tasks effectively, focusing on key duties over less critical ones.
- Develop strategies for delegating tasks where necessary, ensuring a balanced and manageable workload.
- Recognize the influence of multitasking on stress levels, mental fatigue, and overall well-being, and understand how it can contribute to burnout and reduced performance
- Evaluate the effectiveness of implemented time management strategies, making adjustments as needed to improve efficiency and productivity.
- Formulate lesson plans that incorporate time management skills to enhance student success.
Course Instructors
“Thank you for giving me super simple tools to manage my time better. My life/ work balance is so much better!”
“I wish I had known these techniques years ago. Thanks to this class, I am much better at focusing on my rocks now“
“These techniques are fantastic! I love how simple and effective they are. My students have greatly benefited from my classroom lessons too.”
“I liked how the information was laid out in a very organized manner and easy to follow. There were many great tools and resources to learn about.”
“I enjoyed learning about and trying out new techniques that I hadn’t been aware of before, and I loved that everything we learned about is so applicable to not only our job as a teacher, but just to our lives in general.
There is so much that we can take away from this course and actually USE on a daily basis.” -
“I really liked the discussions and reflection tool. It was helpful to hear the perspective of others, and learn from their experiences as well!
I’ve been taking a lot of PD courses and it was refreshing to learn about something new. I liked all of the videos and articles about the different methods. I really enjoyed the course, thank you!”
“I enjoyed the opportunities to reflect on the different strategies and to research different apps to help me be more productive at work.”
“I loved that it gave us several strategies and we could try them out to see what works best for our personalities. I can definitely see that I will be using some of these techniques and the school year begins.”
“I loved the different Ted Talks, videos, and articles that were included in the course. They were very engaging and inspiring!”
“I like trying out each technique for a day. Techniques that I thought would help me weren’t helpful. I found others very helpful. I also liked the Ted Talks.”
“This course taught me a number of time management techniques that can be used in my everyday life. I liked that the course provided me with opportunities to actually practice the methods.”
“The ideas and techniques that I learned were terrific!! It made me take a look at the way I use my time – a very valuable class!”
“I learned a lot of new techniques that I had never heard of before. I found a lot of the information useful and something I would apply to my classroom.”
“I really enjoyed learning and then trying each of the time management techniques from this course. It was fun to learn more about how I use my time. I always thought that I use my time so efficiently, but there are many ways I can improve how I spend my time.”
“I loved being exposed to different types of time management and learning more about them so I could figure out what works best for me. I loved all of the little tips as well in terms of how to manage a work/home life.”
“I liked reflecting on my time management style (multi-tasker) and seeing how the time management strategies could help break me of this habit.”
“I loved how the course allowed me to personalize the information I learned for myself and for my students.”
I enjoyed the clear instructions, class discussion board, fun challenges, incorporating our learning into the classroom.”
“I liked learning about the videos and resources for each of the time-management techniques. I thought they were entertaining and informative. I also really liked the Pomodoro Technique and will continue to use that in my life.”
“I have really enjoyed this class learning about time management. I loved learning about the time management techniques and the apps on the phone for time management. The discussions were really helpful too!”
“I really liked how this course was laid out. I like how it was a mix of watching videos, articles, discussions, and being able to try things in your own life. I like how there were many different techniques to try and figure out if they worked well or not for you.”
“This class is so applicable to real life! We all need strategies on time management and how to leave work at work!”
“I liked how applicable it was to my life both personal and work life. I also liked how I was able to think about how I can give this learning to my students.”
“Loved that the time management strategies, videos, and articles tied in so nicely with James Clear’s Atomic Habits book. I am leading a staff book study PD at my school so I have more material to add to my discussions!”